Fungi and Lichen of the Mid-Atlantic Region

Fungi   –   Lichens

Selected Flora and Fungi of the Mid-Atlantic Region


Amanita jacksonii - Jackson's Slender Caesar (American Caesar's Mushroom)   [Amanitaceae]
Amanita vaginata - Grisette   [Amanitaceae]
Baorangia bicolor - Two-colored Bolete   [Boletaceae]
Calostoma lutescens   [Sclerodermatineae]
Calostoma ravenelii   [Sclerodermatineae]
Clavaria zollingeri - Violet Coral (Purple Coral, Magenta Coral)   [Clavariaceae]
Cronartium quercuum - Eastern Pine Gall Rust   [Cronartiaceae ]
Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae - Cedar-apple Rust   [Pucciniaceae]
Hericium erinaceus - Bearded Tooth (Bearded Hedgehog, Hegehog Mushroom)   [Hydnaceae]
Lactarius indigo - Indigo Milk Cap (Blue Milk Mushroom)   [Russulaceae]
Mitrula paludosa - Swamp Beacon   [Helotiaceae]
Peniophora albobadia - Giraffe Spots   [Peniophoraceae]
Ramariopsis kunzei (Clavaria kunzei) - White Coral   [Clavariaceae]
Sparassis spathulata - Eastern Cauliflower Mushroom   [Sparassidaceae]
Strobilomyces confusus - Old Man of the Woods (2)   [Boletaceae]

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Cladonia cristatella - British Soldiers Lichen   [Cladoniaceae ]
Dimelaena oreina - Golden Moonglow Lichen   [ Physciaceae ]
Melanelia culbersonii - Appalachian Camouflage Lichen   [Parmeliaceae ]
Usnea hesperina - Silken Beard Lichen (Old Man's Beard)   [Parmeliaceae]

Fungi   –   Lichens

Selected Flora and Fungi of the Mid-Atlantic Region

All photographs and images are copyright © Janis Stone