Arctium minus

Common Burdock, Lesser Burdock

[not native to the Mid-Atlantic area]

[ click on any image below to see larger version ]

Family: Asteraceae

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: July - November

Common Burdock's flowers somewhat resemble thistles, but it has large, broad leaves and hooked bracts (the green bristles that are part of the flower head). Purportedly, the hooked bracts were the inspiration for Velcro®. It is a biennial plant, producing flowers in its second year of growth.

Common Burdock is native to Europe, and is sometimes considered invasive in the Mid-Atlantic area.

1 August 2015
Rapidan Camp, Shenandoah National Park (Central District), VA
26 July 2019
Shenandoah National Park (Central District), VA
26 July 2019
Shenandoah National Park (Central District), VA
(crop detail of flowerhead showing hooked tips on bracts)
26 July 2019
Shenandoah National Park (Central District), VA

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