Allium vineale

Field Garlic, Onion Grass, Wild Onion

[not native to the Mid-Atlantic area]

[ click on any image below to see larger version ]

Family: Amaryllidaceae

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: late May - June
Mid-Atlantic fruit ripe: June - August

Field Garlic stems grow from 30 - 120 cm tall, with cylindric, hollow leaves. Its flower umbels can be a mixture of bulbils and flowers, all one, or the other. Field Garlic is native to Europe, northwestern Africa and the Middle East. The leaves, stem and bulb have a strong garlic odor.

10 June 2016
Manassas, VA
(unopened flower head)
2 June 2016
Manassas, VA
10 June 2016
Manassas, VA
10 June 2016
Manassas, VA

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